Monday, June 21, 2010

Making a myspace overlay using photoshop and imageready etc...?

So I can pretty much figure out how to design how i want the layout to look in photoshop but if anyone has a good tutorial on that itd be helpful.....but my question is after i create it in photoshop and use imageready to create the links and do i go about coding it and stuff to put it on myspace?? if anyone knows or knows of a good tutorial about it thatd be great!!

Making a myspace overlay using photoshop and imageready etc...?liveupdate

You need to know html and css.

This site offers you a "jumping" off point:

But you have to "modify" it via CSS to get it to match what you want your page to look like.

Make a test profile and experiemtn with that (that's what I do) - that's hidden from the public, then when you're happy , apply it to your real profile

Do I have to know Photoshop to get a job as a Hallmark Creative?

I want to work for Hallmark Cards. I am all about creating emotionally meaningful visual imagery and I have the upmost confidence in my abilities with traditional painting and drawing media, got that down pat, check, no problem, but I don't know Photoshop. Do I need to know Photoshop or/and Illustrator software to be considered a viable candidate for an illustrator's position at Hallmark Cards?? Are there any current or former employees out here able and willing answer my question? How about anyone that has interviewed with Hallmark recently? Anyone??! Thanking everyone in advance for your input :O)

Do I have to know Photoshop to get a job as a Hallmark Creative?malware

theres a hallmark here in topeka and all you have to do is get a job there and work your way up through the company...its a VERY hard place to get on at though...the only way you can start at that point where you just jump right into that kind of work is if you have a degree in art i think. but still...even if you did it would be extremely difficult to get an interview there...people never quit and people are rarely hired there for anything other then data entry positions or factory positions

Do I have to know Photoshop to get a job as a Hallmark Creative?norton 360

Ok, can someone help me in using Adobe Illustrator in conjunction with Adobe Photoshop?

Basically, I'm learning Adobe Illustrator finally. I want to be able to draw the stuff with Illustrator, and then export it to Photoshop. This brings up multiple questions, you can answer some of them, or all of them.

If I want to start a vector with Illustrator, and then use Photoshop with the file, what would be the best way going about that.

Is it WISE to be exporting Illustrator files to Photoshop?

Now from what I have been learning from just today, Illustrator might have all the options I need there, I might not need to export it to photoshop. But here is a big question.

My buddy send me a .psd file. He told me he wants me to pen it up, because he doesnt' know how to use the pen tool, so I want to use Illustrator (too complicated of a drawing to use photoshop to pen it)

How can I pen this up, so that I can send it to my buddy, and he can apply effects to it within Photoshop?

Ok, can someone help me in using Adobe Illustrator in conjunction with Adobe Photoshop?matchless

You can use both of them but in different cases.

Usually I use Illustrator when I need something to print. Because Illustrator works with vector graphics and it's easily scalable. You can make artwork bigger or smaller without any loosing in details.

Photoshop works better with pixel graphics. And I use it when do some works for web. Also for printing if I know final size and resolution (dpi).

And yes, you can freely open ai, eps, psd files with both of them.

Whats Better Than Photoshop?

is there any other software out there thats better than photoshop were u can do alot of cool effects

Whats Better Than Photoshop?symatec

i doubt there if there is better than photoshop but you can still try ulead photo impact and acdsee

Whats Better Than Photoshop?vista

Corel Paintshop Pro 10 or 11. Alot easier to get the hang of with alot of the same benefits as Photoshop.

Good Luck
Photoshop is the best. There might be some cheaper software that is only made for special effects, but Photoshop is the best.
Photoimpression is REALLY cool... you can do soooo much with it. i have photoshop, but i never use it... i use photoimpression by ArcSoft software. its awesome
You can use for free.

Click on site below and check it out.
One program that's getting a lot of press lately is "Gimp" -- It's an open-source graphic program that has a lot of the same features as Photoshop, although I would still have to say Adobe makes a more stable product.

The upside is that Photoshop will run you $600. You can download Gimp for free to give it a whirl....

Please rate the PhotoShop transformation?

This was my first time using PhotoShop and I followed a tutorial.



Do you have any tips for me?

Please rate the PhotoShop transformation?systemworks

I think the eyes are a tad too bright.

I just bought Photoshop CS3 Extended, and I can't install it. Requirements reached. Help?

I just bought it and I'm sooooo annoyed. I start up the autoplay and click 'install Photoshop CS3' and the startup appears, but it disappears without installing or starting up anything, and nothing happens. My new CPU has reached the requirements stated in the readme, and I don't know what is wrong. Anyone help?

I just bought Photoshop CS3 Extended, and I can't install it. Requirements reached. Help?anti virus scan

If it's any consolation, a lot of people have had problems installing CS3. A lot of things can cause this problem. First, are you logged on as Administrator?

If you had the CS3 beta installed before, read this:

Here is a gigantic thread on installer problems. Maybe you will find a solution here:

Keep searching the forum for answers, or call Adobe Tech support:

Good luck. It installed just fine for me, so it can be done!

Pen tool on photoshop cs2?

hi i'm using photoshop cs2 to cure my boredness...and i was wondering if people knew how to use the pen tool so well..they could make shapes in their layouts as if they were professional such as

Pen tool on photoshop cs2?anti virus software

You probably want to use the Brush Tool to get something similar to your example. With the many possible brushes (click the small triangle to the right of Brush in the top tool bar to see all of the default brushes) you can create just about any brush stroke.

The Pen Tool creates vector lines (mathematically defined lines) instead of pixels and those lines are easily scaled from one document size to another. The Pen Tool isn't easy to use for freehand sketches and/or scribbles.