I have a problem. I understand how to get the fonts into photoshop.
Start%26gt;Control Panel%26gt; Fonts
I have all the fonts I downloaded all extracted and ready in the right format. But when I try to put the files into the fonts folder, I get this Error.
Someone tell me why, and how to fix it?
Getting Fonts into Photoshop?antispam
you must install the fonts by going in fonts folder and in file click intall new fonts, and you need to browse where you save the fonts.
Getting Fonts into Photoshop?avast
sometimes happens to me. sometime works if you don't open the Fonts folder. Simply open Windows, and drag the fonts onto the image of the Font folder.
you must go to c:\windows\fonts
in file menu %26gt; install new fonts
then fonts will install in your pc and work with all programs
Thank you! Canva revolutionised my work. I work as a PR & marketing manager in hospitality and I don’t have a big marketing budget, so Canva is perfect for me. 1$ for picture is not so much but I can create some nice offers for our clients. Here you have an example of my work: http://www.dwor.pl/pl/klienci_biznesowi/spotkania_wigilijne/ and it was only for 2 $ It’s a nice alternative for Shutterstock etc. Fonts are beautiful, it is very creative thinking to learn how to mix them. I use it also on my personal blog