Thursday, November 5, 2009

How to imporve Photoshop CS3?

I recently purchased Photoshop CS3, it takes a long time to save the file, so i wonder if my pc will handle the work load.

My pc is hpn812m, it has a quad core cpu and 3 g of ram, and 128 mb gpu, will the upgrade of ram help save the files faster ?

How to imporve Photoshop CS3?viruses

Quad-core CPU with 3 G of RAM and it runs slowly? Your computer is twice as fast as mine and I am doing okay.

How big is the file? I assume you save it in PSD (Photoshop) format? I also assume that you are saving this file to a fast HD, as well, and not a slow USB 1.1 external hard drive?

How to imporve Photoshop CS3?antispam

You may not be able to save it in JPG format because it's in 16 or 32 bit. Go to IMAGE, then MODE and change it to 8 BIG and you can SAVE AS "JPG" format. Report It

Your PC should do the job, its just that certain file types can take their time and that's multiplied if its been on all day.

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