Thursday, November 5, 2009

What does using photoshop help with when making div overlays?

ok. ive been trying to make my own div overlay for my myspace. i want to know what photoshop is used for when trying to make one. ive tried google and have been to a crap load of other sites but nothing is helping. a few days ago i found a forum that was a big help but at the time i was only looking for premade overlays and sadly i cant remember the site. can someone help me plz?

What does using photoshop help with when making div overlays?vista

Are you looking for pre-made layouts, or do you want to use photoshop to make your own layout?

If you want to make your own layout, and you know how to use photoshop, you can do this:

Draw your page in photoshop.

Draw on the links you want, draw in any content you want, cut and paste images you want, drag them to where you want them, all with photoshop.

Draw in an empty space, for any content you want to show, from the default myspace page (such as the music player, blogs, friends).

Once you have done this, then go here, to learn how to turn your drawing into a myspace div overlay:


If you have trouble, post a comment on the above site, and I will help you get it working.

What does using photoshop help with when making div overlays?antispyware

photoshop just helps make the desgin..

to make the actual div overlay u have to have some html code skills

but if ur looking for divs i suggest u go to

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