Monday, October 5, 2009

A couple of Photoshop questions for experts?


1. Let's say you have 4 squares. You want to place them at a certain spot on the page, but spaced EVENLY. I have actually seen someone put 1 square in 1 place, 1 in another, and seen them use a command that automatically places all the shapes evenly between the two.

2. I have a rectangle. I am trying to place 3 other evenly sized rectangles inside of the first rectangle. I tried to just do it by hand, but it was very annoying, and I now that there should be some sort of simple command, or something that helps with this task.

3. A lot of the times, in these Photoshop tutorials, they will tell you to draw a rectangles (x) pixels high. Is there any way to easily know how many pixels you are using at a given time? I know there is ctrl + r for the ruler things, but I don't know if that is measured in pixels or what.

A couple of Photoshop questions for experts?free spyware

To address question 3, there is a way to set the size of the rectangle you want in the tool options. Click on the draw rectangle tool and then see if the tool options appear at the top of the screen, try double clicking on the tool or go to the view/window menus and see if you can find a browser for the tool. It might be called "Tool Browser," but I'm not sure. Somewhere, it should let you indicate that the size you want is x pixels by y pixels. Sorry I don't have photoshop here with me right now so I can't give you more details.

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