Monday, October 5, 2009

Can I remove Photoshop changes?

Is it possible to remove the changes in a photograph that someone has made to the photo?

Can you get back to the original if someone sends you a photo that has been changed with Photoshop or some other program?

Can I remove Photoshop changes?spyware removal

Not reliably - it depends on what they changed.

There's a recent case where a child molester used the spiral filter to attempt to "scramble" his face in a picture of him with the victim. Some sharp forensic person (or tipster) saw that and used Photoshop (presumably) to un-spiral that part of the image by simply spiraling it in the other direction until the original face became visible. IIRC, they caught the guy in just a few days. He should've used a blur, AFAIK, that's un-doable the way the spiral was.

Can I remove Photoshop changes?virus protection software

Negative, You cannot do that unless you saved the original or copied it before the photoshop work.
Only if they send you the original photoshop file.

If they make the changes to a photo and then only save it as a JPG or PNG or other format then no.
Nope. The photo you probably got is a JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg) which is a flattened and compressed image of the original with the changes.

The only way to restore to original is if you actually got the picture as a Photoshop file (.PSD) and all the changes were made on layers and not flattened.

The only way to get original is to ask for it. Hope that helps.

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